Treatment Options for Vitiligo

Treatment Options for Vitiligo

Vitiligo, or the loss of pigment cells, can be a challenging condition to have. Finding an appropriate treatment method can boost your morale and slow the process of pigment cell deterioration. There are several options available that you can discuss with your dermatologist. Read on to discover more about these options.


Unfortunately, no magic medication can stop vitiligo in its tracks. However, some can restore color to the areas where pigment has been lost. 

When vitiligo is in the early stages, applying a corticosteroid cream to the affected areas may return the color. However, the effects may not be noticed for several months. Additionally, side effects include thinning of the skin and the appearance of streaks or lines in the application area. 

For those with smaller areas of depigmentation, calcineurin inhibitor ointments may be effective. These work particularly well on the face and neck. However, the FDA has advised there is a possible link between these medications and lymphoma and skin cancer.


Phototherapy that uses narrow-band ultraviolet B or UVB has been demonstrated to effectively slow or even stop the progression of active vitiligo. Its effects may be even more profound when combined with corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors. Therapy will be required two to three times weekly, and it may take one to three months before any changes are noticed. 

An alternative therapy is the removal of the remaining color or depigmentation. This therapy is more of a last resort when your vitiligo is widespread and other treatments didn’t come through. A depigmenting agent is applied to the areas that are unaffected by your vitiligo by your dermatologist for vitiligo Philadelphia to gradually lighten the skin until it blends with the discolored areas. This is completed one to two times daily for a minimum of nine months.


Surgery is an option when medication and light therapy have failed. Skin grafting is a process where your doctor will transfer small sections of your pigmented skin to areas affected by vitiligo. This is generally used when you have small patches of vitiligo.

Blister grafting is a procedure in which your doctor will create blisters on your pigmented skin. The tops of these blisters are then transplanted to the discolored skin.

In a cellular suspension transplant, your doctor will take some of the tissue from your pigmented skin and place the cells into a solution. These cells will then be transplanted onto the affected area. The results of this procedure generally begin appearing within four weeks.

Turn to a Dermatologist You Can Trust for Your Vitiligo Therapy

If you need a dermatologist for vitiligo in Montgomery County, PA, turn to Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists. Call us today at (215) 999-SKIN to book your appointment.

What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing

Your skin goes through a lot and, as a result, will start to exhibit signs with age. It can develop acne scars and UV damage, become less taut and eventually develop discoloration and wrinkles. For those looking to rejuvenate their skin, laser skin resurfacing is an effective cosmetic procedure for treating various skin concerns. Here’s an overview of laser skin resurfacing and what it can do for you.

About The Treatment

Laser skin resurfacing is an FDA-approved, non-invasive cosmetic dermatology treatment that uses laser energy to remove the outer damaged layers of skin. It stimulates new tissue growth, improving and removing skin damage and imperfections.

The procedure is popular because it is highly effective, and more cost-friendly than other skin treatments and procedures, and its results are long-lasting. Depending on the area being treated, the session can take as little as 15-30 minutes. After the procedure, your skin may need a few days to a few weeks to fully recover, with the results becoming visible once healing is complete.

How Does Laser Skin Resurfacing Work?

A laser is used to safely and effectively remove the outermost layers of skin. During the procedure, a technician will carefully apply a laser to the affected area. The heat from the laser stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that helps keep the skin elastic and youthful looking.

A topical anesthetic is typically applied to reduce any discomfort during treatment.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Your skin can reap a multitude of benefits for various skin conditions with laser resurfacing. The procedure can treat and reduce the appearance of

  • Wrinkles and signs of aging
  • Sagging skin
  • Large pores
  • Acne scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Age spots
  • Melasma / Uneven skin tone
  • Sun damage
  • Uneven texture
  • Broken capillaries

The treatment involves little to no discomfort and requires no downtime. Results are usually visible after one session; however, multiple visits may be necessary to achieve the desired outcome, based on the degree of the skin condition or damage.

What Are the Risks?

Following the treatment, you may experience some redness and swelling, which usually goes away in a few days. Before scheduling your procedure, discuss potential risks with your dermatologist in Philadelphia, PA, so you know what to expect during recovery.

In addition, it’s essential for you to do your part after treatment to protect your skin by avoiding

  • Harsh skin topicals
  • Exfoliants (manual or chemical)
  • Sun exposure

Always follow the after-care instructions provided to you by your dermatology team.

Visit Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists for Your Laser Resurfacing

If you’d like to restore your skin’s natural glow and overall appearance, laser skin resurfacing from Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists could be the perfect solution. To learn more about this popular cosmetic procedure and how it could benefit you, schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified Bucks County dermatology specialists.

Eczema Preventative Care Tips to Avoid Winter Flare-Ups 

Eczema Preventative Care Tips to Avoid Winter Flare-Ups

If you or a loved one experiences eczema flare-ups, you may have trouble sleeping or suffer from various other problems. You may even find your condition worsens or occurs more frequently during the winter months. While there’s no cure so far for eczema, you can use these tips to combat it.

Why is Eczema Worse in Winter?

Eczema can get worse or happen more often in winter because indoor heating systems and dry air combine to exacerbate skin dryness. Skin has trouble staying hydrated on its own, causing eczema flare-ups. Hot baths and extra layers of closing can cause more dryness and irritation.

Stay Hydrated

On a daily basis, drink a minimum of eight glasses of water to aid in moisturizing your skin. For more flavor, try adding slices of lemons or other citrus fruits. 

Avoid Hot Baths

Taking a very hot bath can dry out your skin. Rather than increasing flare-ups, consider showering and bathing in lukewarm water. Moreover, you can add moisturizing products to your bath to help with dryness. Oatmeal products are wonderful, calming bath ingredients. 

Try A Thick Moisturizer

Moisturizing often with thick moisturizers can be an effective way of treating eczema during the cold season. Creams that contain hydrocortisone acetate or hydrocortisone can ease flare-ups that are itchy and painful. And petroleum jelly can be a great option for applying immediately after taking a shower or bath. A professional may be able to prescribe something stronger to deal with flare-ups. Try searching for medical dermatology services in Southampton, PA.

Other Preventative Care Tips

When flare-ups start, you may need to try other preventative treatments. These may be natural remedies or prescription ointments. Here are a few more eczema care tips:

  • Take some vitamin D
  • Use a humidifier
  • Eat eczema-friendly foods
  • Use a gentle moisturizing soap

Talk to Your Dermatologist

Whether you feel as though you can’t handle your eczema on your own or you’d like some additional advice, you can find the best dermatologist near Bucks County. Our dermatologist will consider your needs, safety, and budget and discuss effective treatments with you. We understand that your healthcare requires a comprehensive approach and this is why we keep up to date by communicating with other medical specialists on a regular basis. Contact us today!

Tips On Keeping Your Skin Healthy During The Winter Months

Tips On Keeping Your Skin Healthy During The Winter Months

Winter weather is so harsh on our skin, so it’s critical that we put a little bit more time and effort into keeping it healthy. In colder climates, low humidity is typical, robbing the skin of hydration every second of every day. It makes sense why our skin frequently becomes dry and becomes flaky and irritating. Improve the overall appearance of your skin with these expert tips. 

Moisturize Your Skin

During the colder months, your skin is more prone to infections and loses its glow. By moisturizing regularly, you can lower your risk of getting extremely dry or oily skin. To combat the drying effects of winter, apply a hydrating moisturizer in the morning and before going to bed. 

Avoid Hot Showers

Avoid hot water if at all possible. Instead, lukewarm water is recommended for showering because hot water strips your skin of its natural oils, making it prone to drying out, cracking, and peeling.

Apply Sunscreen

You shouldn’t stop using sunscreen in winter. Although there are fewer UVB rays present throughout the winter, UVA rays are still high and can cause damage. Always apply your sunscreen if you want to delay premature aging and maintain your youthful glow.


Both inside and outside of your home, the air is drier in the winter. As a result, water from your body evaporates quickly. To prevent flakiness, rough texture, acne, poor elasticity, and wrinkles, it’s more crucial than ever to make sure your skin stays hydrated. Aim to drink half a gallon of water daily to maintain hydration and remove toxins from the body.

Improve Your Skincare Routine With Vitamin C

Dry skin and other skin issues are prevalent during the winter. Vitamin C is great for the skin because it keeps the skin moisturized, prevents wrinkles, and delays the aging process. But if you have sensitive or acne-prone skin, it may irritate you; in that case, introduce it gradually and limit its use to one product.


Mists, serums, and moisturizers will essentially sit on top of all the dead skin cells if you don’t remove the buildup of those cells. Weekly exfoliation is the greatest approach to ensure that your skincare products are truly absorbed into your skin. Our dermatology specialists near Bucks County can help you find the best moisturizing, exfoliating, and soothing products that work for your skin.

Schedule an Appointment with a Dermatologist Today

Visit a dermatologist near Willow Grove, PA if your skin condition doesn’t improve. We offer a range of treatments that can help rejuvenate and rehydrate your skin. Contact us today! 

Rash Concerns: When to Choose to Contact a Professional

Rash Concerns: When to Choose to Contact a Professional

Rashes can be some of the more mysterious symptoms of allergies or autoimmune diseases. Most rashes are caused by benign sources, but they can cause you serious discomfort when left untreated. When you see a skin flare-up, watch for these signs that it is time to seek professional rash treatment in Philadelphia.

The Rash Is Intensely Itchy Or Painful

A slightly itchy rash or minor skin irritation is no cause for concern. But if you can’t stop scratching or it becomes painful, it could be a sign that there is something more going on. Seeking professional treatment can help you restore your comfort while you wait for the rash to go away.

You See Signs Of Infection

The site of a rash can easily turn into a wound if your scratching causes breaks in the skin. Rashes with blisters or flaky skin allow bacteria to enter beneath the surface, which can lead to an uncomfortable or painful infection. A rash that begins to ooze, swell, or turn a deep red could have an infection that requires antibiotics.

You Notice the Rash Is Spreading

A rash that occurs all over your body can be a symptom of a systemic illness. If you notice that your rash started as a collection of small spots and is now spreading to other parts of your skin, it may be time to seek professional treatment. For instance, psoriasis patches can increase in size or occur in multiple lesions. Dermatitis can also spread if your skin is continuously exposed to an irritating substance. Visiting a professional can help you to determine if you could benefit from psoriasis treatment in Montgomery County, PA, which slows down the progression of your condition.

Other Symptoms Are Present

Many common skin conditions also cause other symptoms that are useful for professionals when determining the cause of your rash. For example, a rash that occurs with joint pain could be caused by psoriasis. One that occurs around the mouth and has blisters might be related to the virus that causes cold sores. When other symptoms are present, you may need treatment to address the root cause of the rash. 

Your Rash Doesn’t Clear Up With Self-Care

Simple rashes will usually go away within a few hours or days with some general at-home care. For instance, a rash from poison ivy will usually begin to heal after you apply topical ointments. If your rash lasts longer than a week, then there could be a more significant cause. When you visit a dermatologist, make sure to mention your at-home care steps so they can better treat your rash and its cause. 

Get to the Bottom of What Is Causing Your Rash

Do you have a rash that just won’t go away or is disrupting your life? Our dermatologist can help you identify what is causing the problem and offer you an appropriate treatment to bring you relief. Give our office a call today!

5 Non-Invasive Treatments for Dark Spots

5 Non-Invasive Treatments for Dark Spots

Those stubborn dark spots caused by sun damage, aging, and certain skin conditions are often treatable and can be safely managed without the need for invasive procedures. With a focus on personalized care and proven solutions that get to the root of dark spots, our dermatologists offer a variety of treatments that promote healthier skin from within. Whether you are concerned about the formation of a new dark spot, or you’re simply hoping to improve the appearance of your skin, here are 5 of the effective solutions we provide. 

1. Microneedling is Safe & Effective

Among our most popular procedures, microneedling promotes healthier skin and can revitalize normal pigmentation. With the Eclipse MicroPen Evo and topical anesthetics to minimize discomfort, 14 microneedles are used to create tiny channels across the surface of the skin. This simple process stimulates the formation of new collagen, elastin, and improves blood flow to the targeted area. Since the treatment is very superficial, there is minimal risk of scarring, recovery is quick, and long-term benefits like normalized skin tone, color, and texture can be achieved in as few as 3 treatments. 

2. The Power of Phototherapy

If your dark spots are caused by conditions like psoriasis, vitiligo, or other skin conditions, another great treatment option utilizes the power of medical-grade UV light to clear a variety of symptoms. Unlike other forms of UV exposure, our narrow-band UV units do not increase the risk of developing skin cancer. The treatment is completely painless, and with our immersive phototherapy units, we can safely reduce dark spots on any area of the body. 

3. Safer Dermatology Medications

If you suffer from allergies, eczema, and other conditions that cause dark spots or rashes, our dermatologists specialize in the diagnosis and may prescribe a medication to address the issue. Our dermatologists will help you determine which factors are causing the flare-ups, and if medication is the best option, we provide our clients with a variety of safe and approved dark spot and rash treatments in Southampton, PA.

4. Advanced Laser Treatment

Another versatile treatment solution we provide utilizes the latest in laser technology to treat both deep lesions and superficial skin concerns. Ideal for redness, rosacea, and acne scar removal in Bucks County, our gentle and effective Excel V Laser treatments get to the source of stubborn skin conditions with results that speak for themselves. The process only takes about 10-15 minutes, the procedure is very tolerable, and it only requires a few visits to achieve most skin improvement goals. 

5. Topical Treatments That Support the Skin

In addition to our more advanced treatment solutions, we also offer our clients a variety of skin-safe options like chemical peels and topical ointments. Once our dermatologists have a clear understanding of your skin type and the causes of your dark spots, we’ll tailor a powerful healing plan to you. 

Still not sure which treatment option is best for your dark spots? Contact our friendly dermatologists and learn more about our skin-safe solutions today.

Mohs Surgery as a Skin Cancer Treatment Option

Mohs Surgery as a Skin Cancer Treatment Option

When faced with a frightening skin cancer diagnosis, you may have a lot on your mind as you discuss the best treatment options with your dermatologist. Fortunately, many forms of skin cancer are highly treatable, and when managed with MOHS surgery, the chances of achieving a cancer-free status become even higher. Available to patients with a variety of complex skin cancer diagnoses, MOHS surgery boasts a higher cure rate than any other surgical skin cancer intervention, significantly prevents damage to surrounding tissue with microscopic margin control and provides real-time cancer detection to verify that all of the cancerous cells have been completely removed during a single procedure.  

How is MOHS Surgery Performed? 

After marking the tumor’s location and a small portion of the healthy surrounding tissue, your surgeon precisely excises (removes) the affected tissue layer by layer until the cancer is completely removed. Throughout the process, microscopic tissue analysis is performed to compare the cancerous tissue with the surrounding healthy tissue, enabling your surgeon to identify if there are any problematic cells remaining. Once your surgeon has verified that your skin is 100% cancer-free, the wound is closed. 

Benefits of MOHS Surgery

Since MOHS surgery involves active cancer monitoring throughout the process, there is less likelihood of cancer recurrence or the need for a second procedure. Quite simply, MOHS surgery is more precise, backed by numerous safety studies, and is the best cure to consider when dealing with complex forms of skin cancers.

Along with the greater precision associated with MOHS surgery in Montgomery County, PA, there are several other advantages involved with MOHS over traditional surgical treatment options. Following a MOHS surgical treatment, our patients benefit from:

  • Faster Healing Times: Since MOHS surgery involves microscopic precision, less tissue is removed and the smaller incision heals faster. Patients can return to normal activities quickly, and experience less discomfort during the recovery process. 
  • Reduced Infection Rates: By limiting the skin cancer treatment to one hyper-accurate procedure, patient infection rates are significantly reduced. 
  • Fewer Tumor Recurrences: By removing the cancerous problem down to the last cell, pervasive types of cancer are less likely to return. 
  • Overall Affordability: With an effective cure rate of over 99%, MOHS surgery prevents the costs associated with repeat surgeries or ongoing costs tied to longer-term cancer treatment solutions. 

Learn More About MOHS Surgery 

As licensed and experienced surgical dermatologists, our board-certified experts are glad to provide you with more information about MOHS surgery in Southampton, PA. We offer our dermatology patients comprehensive diagnostic services, customized care plans, and openly discuss our diverse treatment options with anyone that has concerns about their skin’s health. 

From questionable bumps and blemishes, to painful or itchy skin conditions, we are here to help. If you have any questions about our proven and effective skin care options, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our compassionate providers to learn more about the best skin cancer solutions in Pennsylvania.

3 Benefits of Micro Needling

3 Benefits of Micro Needling

Rejuvenated skin health, lasting radiance, and significant reductions in fine lines, wrinkles, and scarring are made possible with the latest micro needling techniques. Using the Eclipse MicroPen Evo, our experienced skin specialists create tiny channels along the surface of the skin to stimulate your skin’s natural healing processes. As your skin beings to heal from the minimally invasive micro needling process, newly produced collagen and elastin result in noticeably beautiful skin improvements after only the first few treatments. If your skin could benefit from improved softness, a more uniform appearance, and overall healthier characteristics, here are a few great reasons to give micro needling a try. 

  1. Micro Needling is Safe & Easy to Perform

Since micro needling is a gentle mechanical process and only involves the superficial structures of the skin, micro needling naturally protects your skin from potential infection, lengthy healing times, and is a very tolerable procedure. We utilize a topical anesthetic and soothing serum to maximize patient comfort during the procedure and perform the quick and easy treatment in just a few minutes in our relaxed outpatient setting. Easy to perform and designed to provide long-lasting skin benefits, micro needling is one of the safest alternatives to consider over harsh topical treatments or more invasive procedures like plastic surgery.

  1. Micro Needling Improves Many Skin Conditions

From acne scarring to pigmentation inconsistencies, the proven benefits associated with micro needling are a direct result of the healing that occurs from within. Unlike temporary solutions that only mask superficial skin conditions, micro needling utilizes the natural processes of your body’s healing mechanisms to strengthen, support, and maintain optimal skin health characteristics long after the treatment is applied. 

Common skin conditions that our cosmetic dermatologist in Southampton, PA treat safely and effectively with micro needling, include:

  • Sun Damage, Wrinkles, & Fine Lines
  • Scars, Skin Trauma, & Acne Blemishes
  • Stretch Marks, Hyperpigmentation, & Melasma
  • & More…

  1. Micro Needling is Affordable & Accessible

Following a comprehensive skin care evaluation with our dermatologist in Southampton, PA, we’ll outline an effective plan of micro needling care that is both cost-effective and fully completed in as few as three visits. All of our care plans are tailored to your specific skin health goals, and since we have the most advanced micro needling devices in the industry, you can expect to experience better results in fewer visits. 

Along with the simplicity and effectiveness of our micro needling services, our accessible dermatologists make it easy to schedule services whenever it is most convenient for you. Your lasting skin health is our dedication, and we’ll do whatever we can to help you achieve noticeable skin improvements with customized care that is safe, gentle, and performed by licensed professionals that have years of experience. 

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of micro needling, or if you would like to connect with one of our licensed providers to develop a personalized plan of care, don’t hesitate to contact our skin care experts for additional information today. 

Psoriasis Center: Lightbox and Systemic Treatments

Psoriasis Center Lightbox and Systemic Treatments

Have you struggled to find a lasting solution to your persistent, worsening, or poorly managed psoriasis? While some patients find success with topical creams and other over-the-counter medications, these solutions are often short-lived, ineffective, or come with a list of unwanted side effects. Instead of continuing to struggle with your psoriasis symptoms, our approach to longer-lasting psoriasis relief involves proven, safe, and patient-specific treatment options that provide noticeable relief and cosmetic improvements, while simultaneously improving your skin’s health and reducing flare-up recurrence. 

Personalized Psoriasis Treatments Improve Outcomes

Before treating your psoriasis skin conditions, our experienced dermatologists take the time to evaluate your skin with expert diagnostics, develop customized healing plans, and pair you with effective treatment methods that address the underlying conditions. Whether you’re hoping to experience relief from the itching and redness, or you would like to improve your skin’s tone and texture, our range of effective treatment options boost overall skin health from within. 

Phototherapy is Safe & Effective

Our dermatologists near Newtown, PA improve patient outcomes with the latest in medical-grade narrow-band UVB light to reduce inflammation and slow the development of problematic skin cells. Unlike unfiltered UV light that can damage healthy skin tissue and increase the risk of skin cancer, our narrow-band UVB light does not increase your risk of developing skin cancer. While phototherapy is not a cure for psoriasis, it is proven to provide longer-lasting relief and reduce the prevalence of flare-ups, making phototherapy a great option to consider if moderate or severe psoriasis interferes with your quality of life. 

Utilizing state-of-the-art NeoLUX phototherapy booths to treat psoriasis, this fast and effective treatment option is painless, convenient, and other than possible erythema (pinkness like a light sunburn), is free of side effects. Our lightboxes are designed with multiple safety features for enhanced patient safety, are wheelchair accessible, and even come with temperature-controlled interiors for a soothing and spa-like treatment experience. 

Systemic Treatment Options Provide Full-Body Recovery

As the best dermatologist in Bucks County, we work hard to design a healing plan that works for you. If you are sensitive to phototherapy or have persistent psoriasis conditions that have not been effectively treated with other common remedies, our specialists offer systemic treatment options in an ongoing effort to better manage your symptoms. 

We take the time to accurately diagnose any underlying factors that may be contributing to your flare-ups, provide our patients with actionable tips to prevent symptoms from recurring or worsening, and only move forward with systemic medication options once we have identified the most promising treatment options for your specific skin condition. 

Schedule a Compassionate Dermatology Visit Today

When you partner with our empathic dermatologists, you can expect a genuine depth of care and finally experience relief from chronic psoriasis. We have a variety of nearby clinics, offer flexible appointment scheduling, and will do whatever we can to improve your skin’s health with long-term relief in mind. 

How Can I Help My Vitiligo in Addition to Phototherapy

How Can I Help My Vitiligo in Addition to Phototherapy

Progressing towards a uniform skin tone and glowing complexion is a realistic possibility for anyone suffering from vitiligo. Even though vitiligo is caused by unknown factors, proactive skincare habits and other safe skin solutions are proven to reduce the symptoms. If you’re wondering how you can boost your skin’s health and promote faster healing, here are a few ideas to make the most of your treatment with simple and effective daily changes. 

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Avoid tanning and other long-term sun exposure if you can. Since the areas affected by vitiligo are lacking in protective pigmentation, excess sun exposure damages these lighter sections of skin faster. Along with protecting the affected areas of skin, avoiding excess sun exposure prevents other areas of skin that have normal pigmentation from darkening and making the vitiligo more noticeable. Sun-protective clothing, sunscreens with SPF 30 or higher, and accessories like hats and umbrellas will do the trick. 

Consider Camouflage Therapy

As the name implies, there are several tricks you can use to camouflage areas of skin affected by vitiligo. This includes using sunscreen to prevent skin darkening around the affected areas, the use of coverup makeups to create a uniform tone, and hair dyes if the vitiligo affects the hair as well. 

Gently Clean & Nourish Your Skin

Toxin-free cleaning products, gentle cleansing routines, and skin-healthy vitamins like Vitamin E and D are important steps in promoting natural skin wellness. Instead of harsh face or skin scrubs filled with artificial ingredients, you can use gentle cleansing practices like facial steaming, green tea, or natural soaps, and lightly wash the affected areas to support the healing process and prevent new symptoms from developing.  

Eat Healthy & Exercise Regularly

Since the causes of vitiligo are unknown, doing everything you can to support your overall well-being is never a bad idea. With a nutrient-dense diet backed by regular exercise, your skin will benefit from a boosted immune system, increased blood flow to the skin cells, and a natural glow that comes with a healthier body. 

Speak with a Licensed Skin Care Professional 

While many natural treatments and risk reduction strategies go a long way in managing the symptoms of vitiligo, our dermatologist for vitiligo in Bucks County has a variety of cost-effective treatment solutions designed to help you progress through the healing process in less time. Every case of vitiligo requires a personalized approach to therapy, and at Penn Derm, we specialize in creating treatment plans with your long-term healing goals in mind. 

If you would like to learn more about our proven skin therapy treatments, get in touch with our dermatologist in the Doylestown, PA area to discover a healthier path forward. We only use treatments that are gentle, safe, and proven to help clients overcome a range of complex skin issues.